Key Facts Healthcare
Access to healthcare and medical services is critical for well-being
A healthy population and a healthy workforce are essential to a thriving community regardless of immigration status. To overcome this pandemic, it is vital that communities look at creative ways to ensure that everyone stays safe and healthy.
2014 to 2018 Five-Year Estimates
Key Facts:
The foreign born make up a significant share of those lacking health insurance. Approximately 1 out of 5 foreign born persons are uninsured in Northern Virginia, which is significantly higher than the U.S. born population uninsured rate. Approximately 1 out of 20 U.S. born are uninsured.
Foreign born make up almost 65 percent of all uninsured in Northern Virginia, while the overall foreign born population is 27.6 percent. The foreign born are clearly disproportionately burdened.
Central American countries and Mexico, which are generally Hispanic, make up the largest share of the foreign born population without insurance in Northern Virginia.